Tag Archives: crossing the road jokes

The Weird Writer’s Waning Weekly Witticisms

Here is the answer to last week’s witticism #23: Question: Why did the struggling author not cross the road? Answer: He was at a dead end! Wistfully, the Weird Writer’s Weekly Weak Witticism has wheezed its woebegone end. Thanks to … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, Canada 150, Canadian travel, contemporary culture, family, family literature, food, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism # 23

First, the answer to last week’s question: What happened when the car hit the author crossing the road? Short answer: It was a write off! Long answer: A witness overlooking the accident from a second STORY balcony, had to PAGE … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, books, contemporary culture, family literature, food, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism #22

First, the answer to last week’s question: Question: Why do authors cross the road whenever they see a vegetable stand? Answer: They’re always looking for a new market! Now, this week’s question: What happened when the car hit the author crossing the … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism # 21

First, the answer to last week’s question: Question: Why did the author cross the road that was being paved? Answer: She wanted to have her own imprint! Now, this week’s question: Why do authors cross the road whenever they see a … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism # 20

First, the answer to last week’s question: Question: Why did the struggling author sigh after crossing the road? Answer: All she could see ahead was an uphill climb! Now this week’s question: Why did the author cross the road that was being … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, contemporary culture, family, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism # 19

First, here’s the answer to last week’s question: Question: Why did the author read as she crossed the road? Answer: She wanted to kindle interest in her novel! Now, this week’s question: Why did the struggling author sigh after crossing the … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, travel books | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism # 18

First, the answer to last week’s question. Question: What happened to the author who crossed the road on a red light? Answer: She ended up in a policeman’s book! Now this week’s question Why did the author read as she crossed … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, books, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism # 17

First, last week’s winning answer. Question: Why did the author crossing the road disappear from sight? Answer: She was a ghost writer! Now, this week’s question: What happened to the author who crossed the road on a red light? Please open the … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, books, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Weird Writer’s Weekly Witticism #16

First, last week’s answer: Question: Why did the author cross the road by the fountain? Answer: She was looking for a pen name! Now this week’s question: Why did the author crossing the road disappear from sight? Please open the comment … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, books, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Weekly Witticism #15

Here’s the answer to last week’s question: Question: Why did the author, crossing the road with her manuscript, use an umbrella? Answer: It was the perfect cover for her next novel! Now, this week’s question: Why did the author cross … Continue reading

Posted in adult fiction, biography, books, contemporary culture, family literature, food literature, humour, recipes, travel books | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment